GreenIT 0.2: United for Greener Kindergartens

Bojana Savanović Categories: Corporate Social Responsibility Date 25-Nov-2021 2 minute to read

    The feeling after successfully holding the second GreenIT event is phenomenal! It reminded us why we started to work on social responsibility projects in the first place.

    And definitely, we’ve shown one more time that together we achieve more!

    After 6 months of working with our campaign partners Eko Kurir, and postponing the final event multiple times due to the pandemic, last Saturday we finally made it happen!

    What have we achieved?

    Throughout the entire event, you could feel the great energy among all eco enthusiasts who gathered and decided to do something meaningful for the community.

    GreenIT 0.2 in numbers:

    • Over 200 eco-enthusiasts
    • 30 companies
    • 154 saplings planted
    • 1.000.000,00 raised
    • 5 kindergartners made greener

    Congratulations to all participants and thank you for your support and dedication! You’ve done an amazing job for our kids!

    Who took part in GreenIT 0.2?

    During the first and second phase of the project, the citizens of Novi Sad helped us determine the priorities and let us know which kindergartens need our support.

    After that we shared an open call for companies to join us to plant saplings in as manykindergarten yards as possible.

    The number of companies that took part in GreenIT 0.2 exceeded our expectations!

    Thank you Brisbane Digital, UnderIT, Bee IT, Playrix RS, Seven Bridges, Mad Head Games, Mad Duck Code, Kvantalux, Saint Di & Co, FSD, Emakina.RS, Sixsentix, QA Cube, Typhoon HIL, goUrban, Zesium mobile, Eryce AG, CCBill, Levi9, BDIT Engineering, FastReview, Ximedes, Forwardslash, Synechron, Synthesis Quatro, 3Lateral, Vega IT Sigma Team, Vega IT Omega Team, Vega IT Delta Team and Elder Creative Agency.

    Beside raising money for the saplings, the volunteers together with their family members (including the youngest ones) rolled up their sleeves, planted them and improved the landscape for future generations!

    What parts of the city got greener?

    According to the raised fond, we planted the yards of 5 kindergartens:

    1. “Kolibri” at Banatić
    2. “Vendi” at Novo naselje
    3. “Bambi” at Salajka
    4. “Čigra” in Petrovaradin
    5. “Maslačak” at Liman 3

    We hope kids will enjoy playing in a much greener area now and that they will understand how important it is to look after the planet and then influence others with their behavior.

    What’s the next step?

    The GreenIT event is just like Code for a Cause, one of the projects which allow us to give back to the community. We believe that the string of socially responsible projects is going to grow, and that we will have more opportunities to gather the local community to contribute to the greater cause. If you have any idea or advice, don’t hesitate to write to us at

    Bojana Savanović Authors Photo
    Bojana Savanović Marketing Manager

    Bojana grabs every opportunity to learn, laugh and be with the people who she loves. She considers marketing inspiring because it sparks her creativity and makes her workday fun.